Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fast break between rain squalls

Better is one day in HIS courts than a thousand anywhere else! :)

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Ah a break between rain squalls.... the pond has risen back up to almost pre-drought levels! I can hear the ducks splashing around and the seagulls calling out for tasty donations. Where are the fish? I had somber results when I tossed some crackers off the pier a few weeks ago and they just floated, completely ignored by anything but a slight wind.... then one day 2 weeks ago I saw two fish happily jumping across the pond. Yes, two (I saw them at the same time) not an OnTheWater imagination creation! Some neighbor boys were fishing with their dad last week and said they caught and released 5 :) Too bad they didn't know what kind of fish they were! Would have been helpful information. Poor brackish pond, Hurricane Ike really did you a disservice, although we did enjoy catching and releasing the Red Fish before the drought....

Lord, thank you for this peaceful day and for the beautiful rain that we sorely needed. Amen 

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